sbf111胜博发 of Ohio 

CPA of Ohio: Ayana Witherspoon

by Jessica Salerno | Nov 09, 2023
This week’s CPA of Ohio is Ayana Witherspoon, a political science major at Wilberforce University.


What was it like growing up in Detroit? 

Growing up in Detroit was great. I grew up around a loving family and I was a tomboy and always outside playing. In high school I was part of the marching band playing the euphonium and earned a scholarship for college to continue playing. Detroit gave me grit, humbleness, and a hard-working perseverance mindset. During high school, I worked as a caddy, and I was a mentee of a nonprofit called Midnight Golf Program which teaches high schoolers about life skills and golf through mentorship.   

What do you like to do in your free time? 

Outside of school, I like to spend time with my family. I also like to clear my head by being on the golf course because it's quiet and I take in the views. I love listening to music. I also enjoy watching movies and crime documentaries. 


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